Over the last week, these two seemly separate world smashed directly into one another when a new friend, valued colleague and all around amazing human being, Mitch Van Wye died of a sudden massive heart attack. I hung up my phone after hearing the news, and a huge wave of painful memory crashed over me, and I recalled the day I received the little square that had a message that would help me yet again (pictured below)
This little message square was given to me not long after my husband Jack died in 2007. The person who gave this to me had no idea that day in early 2008 how deeply I was mourning, nor did they even know the content of the “nice wish of the day” insert.
The second I opened it, expecting nothing more than trite words, I found the best way imaginable to cope with incredible loss, and to begin to see how to control the only thing I COULD control—my reaction to the events.
It was the message I desperately needed that day, and this remains the only visible inspirational phrase you’ll find anywhere in my home. And frankly most days, it’s the only one I need.
To this day, have no idea who Melanie Swift is, or how her words reached me—but as I struggle for a way to honor Mitch, I know in a very different way, his powerful message, that we can do more than we imagine and that we don’t hold ourselves to high enough standards, will always remain with me, and that message will make me smile as I remember someone who was a friend for too short of a time.
I hope I can be as brave in my words, as fiercely dedicated to telling the truth and making my life stand for excellence and for making people the best they can be—and hopefully BE the best person I can be because of the lessons he shared. None of us ever really know the impact we make on others, and I hope what I learned from Mitch is to never stop trying.
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